Olá! Hoje vim falar de algo mais sério!
Quero-vos mostrar a diferença entre HATERS & POSERS & DIRECTIONERS!
Haters: São aquelas pessoas que detestam algum artista! Vamos falar agora da 1D! Haters odeiam a 1D sem sequer conhecerem músicas deles. Odeiam simplesmente por serem uma boyband ou porque são adolescentes e pensam que os adolescentes não sabem cantar.
Posers: Posers são aqueles que acham que sabem tudo sobre a 1D, pensam que gostam deles ou só gostam deles por serem 'bonitinhos'. São as pessoas que não sabem nada sobre eles mas acham que sabem mais que as Directioners.
Directioners: São as verdadeiras fãs dos meninos! São aquelas que gostam de todos por igual, que não acham nenhum feio, que conhecem todas as músicas, que sabem TODAS as coisas sobre eles ao mais pequeno pormenor, as que os apoiam SEMPRE e a TODA altura. Directioners não são malucas, são dedicadas!
Hello! Today I speak of something more serious!
I want to show you the difference between HATERS & POSERS & DIRECTIONERS!
Haters: They are those who detest any artist! Let's talk now of 1D! Haters hate 1D songs without even knowing them. Hate simply because they are a boyband or because they are teenagers and think that teenagers can not sing.
Posers: Posers are those who think they know everything about the 1D, think like them or just like them for being 'cute'. They are people who know nothing about them but think they know more than the Directioners.
Directioners: They are the true fans of the boys! Are those who love everyone equally, they do not find any ugly, they know all the songs, they know ALL things about them to the smallest detail, those who support them ALWAYS and ALL the time. Directioners are not crazy, are dedicated!
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